The Studd Siblings Interview with David Gremmels from Rogue River Creamery
We put David Gremmels in the cheesy hot seat after our visit to Rogue Creamy in Oregon, USA.
We put David Gremmels in the cheesy hot seat after our visit to Rogue Creamy in Oregon, USA.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Coffee (drinking the Andre Hakizimana – its exceptional) and the journey each day. I know it will always take a different turn and I will be down a different path of discovery each day in cheese, personnel, finance, and guest (customer) interface.
Has cheese always been your passion?
My journey has been in doing the right thing with aesthetic and conscious intent. I was going to open a coffee, wine, and cheese bar 20 years ago which led me to the Rogue River Valley Creamery aka Rogue Creamery. On meeting Ignazio ‘Ig’ Vella and tasting the RRVC cheeses and touring the facility I have presented the keys. I have never looked back and truly enjoy making a difference in this world one wheel at a time.
Describe your typical day?
I start with the pour-over ritual, meditation, pedal with Cody Rigsby, toss 120 lbs of grain to the heifers, feed and play with 3 lazy, spoiled, heart-melting GSP’s and jump on my bike and pedal to Rogue where I presented numerous opportunities to guide the team and cheese. My role is a Chief Wanderer, Advisor, Cheer DairyQueen and Team and Cheese Culture Naturopath. Other roles are ledgers, personnel marketing.
What have been your biggest achievements?
Hmmm – Could that be … The World Champion Cheese 2019 Bergamo, Italy. Nah … It’s doing the right thing for my team, friends, community, and the environment.
What are you most proud of?
I am truly most proud of the Rogue Creamery team and its culture. Rogue Creamery makes a positive impact environmentally, socially, and economically – a wheel at a time. Using cheese as a force of inspiration and good.
What are your biggest challenges this year?
To stay the course and not get taken off course by opportunity.
What keeps you awake at night?
I have no problem sleeping. However, I do worry about the future health of our world for future generations.
What are you looking forward to & what are your plans for the future?
Mentoring the next generation at Rogue Creamery and creating new lactose and plant-based cheese recipes in my test kitchen.
What is your favourite time of year on the farm?
Love Love Autumn. The release of Rogue River Blue and the creation of next years release (It all begins Sept 22). However, I love the spring and picking Syrah grape leaves for the future release of Rogue River Blue. I love all season associated with the cheese whether it is the Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Solstice or Winter Equinox.
How do you enjoy cheese at home?
“With every moment.” I have a table cheese every day and utilize the cheese as a snack, ingredient and pairing. Pair it with pour-overs in the morning, dark chocolate at night and something creative during the day whether it be a berry, beer, pickled beet…
What do you think the secret is to the flavour of your cheese?
It’s not a secret. It’s “Umamiliscious”
Do you have a favourite cheese joke?
It’s not a joke but a quote by Charles de Gaulle which makes me giggle every time I hear it our aim in a team member meeting … “How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?” It’s a wonderful perspective on diversity!
When you are not making cheese, where can we find you?
At home with my GSP’s in the pasture with Blue the steer and 19 heifers, organic gardening, tinkering on a new recipe in the kitchen, cycling or reading with my GSP’s at my feet and on my lap.