The ancient Greeks regarded cheese as the food of the Gods. Little wonder, then, that Greece has the world’s highest per capita rate of cheese consumption.

Season 3
8 Episodes
Purchase Season
The Basque people celebrate Europe’s oldest language and an ancient cheese. Will witnesses the traditional hand-milking of ewes in the mountains.
The rugged plateau of Massif Central and Auvergne are famous for rich, green pastures and its six benchmark AOC French cheeses.
There is nothing like the evocative smell of washed-rind cheeses to bring back memories of a visit to France.
Will explores the Alps and learns how the local spruce forests play an essential role in ripening the unctuous Mont d’Or.
Switzerland has a reputation for producing the finest mountain cheeses in the world including Gruyere and Raclette.
The Netherlands is the second largest European cheese exporter after France, yet it’s famous for just two cheeses: Edam and Gouda.
Will explores Northern California, uncovering artisan and farmhouse cheeses.